Monday, August 14, 2017

I Unreservedly Condemn All Violence Toward Language

So, President Trump is being criticized by both opportunistic Democrats and craven Republicans (but I repeat myself) for condemning political violence. Here is a vivid example of what was said in the previous post about the abuse of language. In this case, the President is being criticized for failure to abuse language in the customary way.

The customary way involves seeing all political violence as emanating from "the right," which represents an inversion of the reality. Violence is intrinsic to leftism, being that leftism is inconceivable in the absence of force (of the state over the individual).

And if we recognize that fascism is a movement of the left, then we see that Saturday's violence was a small-scale version of communism vs. Nazism. These are revolutionary movements that have nothing whatsoever to do with classical liberal conservatism. Obviously, neither one is grounded in first principles of liberty, natural rights, and limited government. In reality, conservatism is situated neither to the right nor left of these twin barbarisms, but vertically above.

(To be clear, I don't know whether the victims were actually Antifa activists, only that the counter-demonstration was organized by Antifa cretins spoiling for a fight.)

As we know, because the communists defeated the Nazis in WW2, they successfully defined themselves as being anti-fascist, and the left has been dining on this lie ever since. Communism was (and still is) the original Antifa movement.

But because of the language-abusing Narrative of the left, condemning Antifa violence is equated with being ProFa or even Na! For reasons that are impervious to reason, a Nazi sympathizer mowing down Antifa protesters is different from an Antifa activist attempting to assassinate Representative Steve Scalise.

Diabolically clever. It is to be expected that the robotic simpletons of the left will propagate and honor the Lie, but just nauseating when Republicans do.

Let's get down to basics: man's original crime against Being is rooted in language abuse. The "vector of reality," so to speak, flows in the direction of God --> Being --> Truth --> Language.

Likewise, the way back to God flows in the opposite direction, beginning in Truth (or true speech) -- the same Truth that sets one free. Which is a little misleading, being that freedom is required in order to seek truth. Therefore, we might equally say that freedom sets one upon (the path of) Truth, AKA the cosmic adventure. Our God is a God of Freedom and of Truth, which are two sides of the same primordial reality.

There is indeed a sacred covenant between language and Being, which is a reflection of the bond (of love!) between God and Word. Again, whatever else Genesis 3 is about, it is about severing this link, which necessarily redounds to a kind of expulsion from reality.

Obviously, the Incarnation represents the restoration of this bond in the most heightened way imaginable. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Suffice it to say that the Crucifixion of the Word is still taking place. And always will be, at least on this plane. It very much defines what goes on down here, doesn't it? Which is why the cosmic adventure is a continuous struggle toward Truth. It wouldn't be a struggle if there weren't counter-forces at play.

Pieper writes of the "consummate mendacity" that "must inevitably result in the atrophy of communication between human beings."

Here again, to attack or deny the vertical link between man and God is to abolish the horizontal link between man and man. Do you not see why? Truth is ultimately grounded in love; or at least inextricably intertwined with it. We might say that Truth is the Love of the Intellect, just as Love is the Truth of the Heart.

Instead, as prophesied by Aldous Huxley, we are plunged into "a vast mass communications industry" that is concerned "neither with the true or false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant" (in Pieper). This is the Unreal News alluded to in the title of the previous post. It is anti-Christic right down to the ground. Man builds and inhabits his own verbal prison while holding the keys in his hand. Madness!

If I am to make the right decision (regardless of what the decision may involve), I must be guided by the truth of things themselves, by the facts, by what is really the case. In other words, the realization of the good presupposes knowledge of reality.... An act is good if it conforms to the nature of things.

The nature of things. It cannot be sufficiently emphasized that for the left there is no such nature. This is indeed what separates liberal conservatism from the tyranny of the contemporary left. It ultimately comes down to whether essence precedes existence or vice versa. For the left it is the latter, which is why, for example, a man can be a woman or homosexuals can marry. For the left man defines reality. For us, reality defines man.

That was Marx's great original insight -- which has given unsight to purblind leftists ever since. Movements of the left always involve liberation. But can man be liberated from his own nature, and supposing he can, is it not misleading to equate this with freedom? Yes, I am free not to be myself. But if I manage to escape from myself, isn't that the last word in being lost and alienated?

Speech which emancipates itself from the norm of (real) things, at the same time necessarily becomes speech without a partner.

The Cosmic Divorce.

What is meant by the 'emancipation from the norm of (real) things?' What is meant, essentially, is indifference toward the truth. After all, truth implies a link to reality.

Which is why, beneath it all, leftism must devolve to violent nihilism. For the problem isn't just that Language and Truth are divorced, leaving us cosmic orphans. Rather, Language is remarried to Power, such that we come under the authority of a violent stepfather.

Once the word, as it is employed by the communications media, has, as a matter of principle, been rendered neutral to the norm of truth, it is, by its very nature, a ready-made tool just waiting to be picked up by 'the powers that be' and 'employed' for violent or despotic ends.... [T]he greater the inroads this 'neutralized' word makes on our lives, the more the word itself creates an atmosphere of epidemic susceptibility to the disease of despotism....

What all "forms of propaganda have in common is the degeneration of language into an instrument of force." This highlights the implicit "link between the degeneration of political authority and the sophistical corruption of the word," such that "the abuse of language by the communications media could actually be diagnosed as a symptom of the despotism to come, while the virus is still in its latent stages."

Latent in 1964, when that was written, but a florid infection today.

First the word loses its dignity; then man. Which is why "the fate of society and the fate of the word are inseparable. A relationship founded upon violence... corresponds to the most pernicious destruction of the link to things as they are: the public loss of the ability to know reality."

So yes, Nazi sympathizers and Antifa thugs are both violent. But first to the Word. Gravity takes care of the rest.

(All quoted material in Pieper.)


Gagdad Bob said...

Steve Hayward gets it:

"What do Antifa and the alt-right mob have in common? They both hate America. The alt-right mob marched mostly behind some kind of knockoff Nazi or fascist flag, and not the American flag. White, yes, but “nationalists”? They are not trying to “Make America great again” even in the Trumpian sense. They want it to be a different country. Antifa, of course, has no use for the American flag except to burn it. They also want this to be a different country. If they do carry a flag, its likely to be a familiar foreign one. Both groups should be labeled as Un-American. They deserve each other. And perhaps one nice punishment would be for people from both groups to be put in the same holding cells in the local jails."

Gagdad Bob said...

And the Ranting Gorilla at Ace of Spades:

"What happened in Charlottesville over the weekend could have been predicted. But everybody just ignored the obvious truth that any political advantage gained by exacerbating racial tensions would be temporary, and sooner or later, the designated bad guys would push back with their own version of identity politics. Well, it looks like the sooner is now later, and the ugliness is just getting started."

Gagdad Bob said...

When you start judging people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character, don't be surprised at the results: lots of racial animus and no character.

julie said...

Thanks for this post - it's a breath of fresh air.

Another good take, by Greenfield.

Rick said...

No, the Alt-right does not hate America. It rejects cuckservatives failure to conserve anything.

Gagdad Bob said...

Except their own asses.

Rick said...

Here are the 16 points of the alt-right as Vox Day understands them. For what it's worth:

I haven't followed the events of the demonstration yesterday. If there were guys dressed like nazi, it may be true, but I wouldn't put it past the left if the whole thing was a farse just to push the false narrative that the alt-right are nazis.

julie said...

The impression I've had is that this particular group in Charlotte were actual white supremacists - more alt-white than alt-right. Or as Vox Day has it today, "alt-reichtards."

When I was a teenager, a group of skinheads tried to hold a rally in my town. They obviously wanted it to be huge; sent out fliers in the mail, made a big deal out of it, etc. About three guys showed up, plus a crowd of gawkers who came to laugh at them. In a sane world, this weekend would have brought a similar response. Then again in a sane world...

Well, we don't live in a sane world.

Anonymous said...

Cannabis might well help our nation. If the extremists on both sides were to toke up, they would probably not be scuffling and brooding on their respective distorted viewpoints. People have too much spare time and they don't use it wisely. They start overthinking politics and dreaming of activism which will somehow help someone somewhere. It never does.

The truth is anyone can have a splendid time in this country given they focus on the important things: food, family, gainful employment, electronic devices, weed,and bitchin entertainment. Good God people, we have Netflix, what more do you want?

Yes, the green, green grass could soothe the situation.

FYI: for those just starting out, "a puff is enough." Start low and go slow. Get some CBD rich buds to begin. Leave the edibles until you get some experience.

Regards, Stephen Greybeard.

Rick said...

Pot is not the answer to our prayers. It just slows things down.

Aldous Huxley said...

And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears—that’s what soma is.

Rick said...


Right. I forget which Batman movie it was, where Batman catches one of Joker's bad guys and he's sort of sad/disgusted to learn the guy is just a mentally ill poorsoul.

If I it wasn't neo-nazism, these LARPers would just latch onto some other wagon that allowed them to feel special and crack heads. Like probably half of ISIS.

Gagdad Bob said...

That's right. About an hour ago, a thought popped into my mind: "psychic placeholder." In short, the unrecognized mental illness will locate the content to fill itself in. The illness is one thing, the content another. Nazi, communist, it doesn't matter, so long as the mind parasites are externalized.

Gagdad Bob said...

Similar to how O is a placeholder, only in a bad way, i.e., an Ø that accumulates negative or demonic content.

Rick said...

"Why can't they get girlfriends"

Anonymous said...

The antifa versus the Unite the Right coalition is a continuation of World War II.

Don't let the lapse of 80 years throw you; its a blink of an eye in historic time. Like a forest fire, you think you've put it out, but smoldering embers continue to generate vexing spot fires long after.

So it goes with the Nazis. Our nation, in good faith, gave our youthful soldiers free reign and encouragement to murder any Nazi militant they could find, and were awarded medals at prowess in this.

So you see, in America today, if you give out the Sig heil and you're not joking, then you've lost all of your civil rights in an instant. Now you're just a target, a walking corpse. Just like in the movies.

Over the decades dozens of war movies, video games, books, and documentaries have reinforced the dead Nazi motif to a catastrophic level in the public mind.

Antifa? At the worst, they are "commies," a lesser enemy. At best they resemble the Soviet and Polish partisans, or the French resistance, or other anti-Nazi forces. They could be said to resemble the young GI's that went in at Normandy.

All Nazi movements are doomed in this country. A monumental waste of time.

neal said...

I knew Charlie back in the day. Ukrainian farmer, only survivor of his family from the camps.
Got a tattoo and lost an eye for his trouble.

The Nazis rounded up the farmers so they could burn down the fields and starve the Communists.

The Communists took over the fields after the war and starved themselves.

Charlie came to America and worked for the railroad, shipping tons of ore and grain to the starving remnants.

And so it goes.

Unknown said...

Sages say that what we stand under determines our understanding and god to help the humans he advises the humans to stand under his guiding tent to avoid getting lost in the diversified human created paths, left ,right alt-right and neocon etc etc. One has to ask who is animating his activities the negative forces or the positive forces and what is his role in this cosmic adventure.One has also to know that allowing the evil to appear on his internal screen is the same as supporting evil in general. It is a very sensitive psyche that requires continuous watch. Yes it is where we stand with our full awareness. The divine field is very responsive to the aspiring soul that intending to reach him.The worst deed one can do is to be indifferent to the cosmos and the one behind. The worst is to occupy one life with idle talk, unreal discourse and stupid gossips. Non-violence is the only tool to disarm violence no wonder our Jesus used his love to his enemy and the turning the cheek to dismantle the ugly mendacity of his time. Clean souls are eligible for adoration. God path is not easy.

Dougman said...

It is easier than you think. Children can teach us.
Through your relationship with truth.
It is not easy to find the path once you've strayed though.

Van Harvey said...

BTW, I had a few thoughts on the news: ""We are Americans first" - Really? The first step towards resolving a problem, is admitting you have one."

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